Tania Maree
Deep Soul & Self Coaching and Healing
Clairvoyant, Medium & Healer
Powered by Spirit Readings
Powered by Spirit, navigating with Soul
I am a graduate of the International School of Clairvoyance directed by Debra Lynne Katz (bestselling author of You Are Psychic, Extraordinary Psychic, and Freeing The Genie Within). I am also a certified Spiritual Advisor having been qualified as an Advanced Psychic and Medium by Lisa Williams and the LWISSD (Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development). I have studied mediumship with Tony Stockwell. As the owner of Deep Soul and Self Coaching and Healing I work on transformational changework. I am a hypnotherapist and NLP facilitator/practitioner.
Spirit is always with us and available – powering our lives and nourishing our souls. During a reading I use my clairvoyance and other psychic abilities to tune into Spirit, your energy and your guides to answer your questions to help you find direction and empower your choices.
I relay the information I get for you in down-to-earth and practical terms to offer you guidance, clarity, insight and growth.
With medium readings, it’s always a privilege and a pleasure to relay messages, inspiration and communication from your loved ones who have transitioned.
My spirit guides communicate with joy to ensure your reading is always uplifting. I feel blessed to do this work and look forward to reading for you.
For your personal reading via phone, Skype, email or in-person,
Contact: tania@poweredbyspiritreadings.com