Tania Maree
Deep Soul & Self Coaching and Healing
Clairvoyant, Medium & Healer

I've always received messages from Spirit - but didn't always listen. Initially, Spirit tried to contact me with a series of premonitions/precognitions in my late teens and early twenties. But as the information was disturbing, and not knowing how to handle it, I shut it down. It sent me, however, on a long journey of exploration and trying/being many different things.
I spent years engrossed in esoteric and metaphysiclal studies including tarot, Jungian psychology, sacred geometry, Buddhism and astrology in search of meaning and understanding. I travelled to sacred places of pilgrimage throughout the world and immersed myself in nature with long periods living, camping and walking in remote/unpeopled places as a healing balm. I worked for Greenpeace and as a youth worker trying to save the world on a number of fronts! I practised as an astrologer, but soon found I was reading my clients charts psychically instead of technically. I don't read many charts today but I am still an avid student. I developed my creativity through theatre acting/directing, community theatre and writing children's fiction.
I was searching, searching, searching and accruing a lot of life "miles". I had many amazing and enriching experiences but something intangible that I associated with my sense of connectedness with the source of things was always missing.
It was when, in 1999, that Spirit made renewed efforts to make contact and offer guidance, that I finally was able to listen. I then began to study and develop my psychic gifts in earnest...slowly at first, and then with gathering momentum. Since then I truly do feel powered by spirit and able to navigate more and more with soul. In the last four years Spirit has prompted me to step it up. Acknowledging that I am an empath also slotted an important piece of my psychic/spiritual puzzle into place.
I trained seriously with several wonderful teachers in the intuitive arts, clairvoyance and mediumship. My most recent teacher being, Debra Lynne Katz- a truly amazing, generous and gifted reader and teacher.
But my studies will always go on because this is such a dynamic field, and what Spirit teaches and offers is endless. I love being part of the psychic community and witnessing how colleagues and other spiritual/psychic workers are manifesting and creating their visions in these amazing times. Things are moving really fast.
Being psychic is who I am and the most natural expression for me. I still have premonitions, but now I know how to handle them. My relationship with Spirit and my "team" of spirit guides is nurturing and healing and fills me with joy and wonder. I appreciate every day the lessons, guidance and support they give.
In doing this work, I feel I am doing my job well if I help you tap into your natural intuitive gifts for use in your own life. Everyone is psychic. We all hold the spark of intuitive and psychic brilliance ready to flare. Everyone has guides waiting to be of service.
It is my privilege to read for people and use my psychic/healing abilities to help people make that connection for themselves - allowing me to offer my service in return.
Tania Maree